Monday, October 27
> im missing..
I miss my happy pill who brightens me up
I miss my joker who makes me laugh
I miss my personal alarm clock who wakes me up
I miss my bolster who i can hug
I miss my anti-insomnia therapy who chats with me till daybreak
I miss my meals khaki who always make me fat
I miss my "driver" who picks me up and sends me home
I miss my jacket who keeps me warm when im cold and shivering
I miss my stress ball who i nag at all day
I miss my punching bag who only listens and never fight back at me when im throwing lil missy temper
I miss my singing partner who thinks i sound bad
I miss my movie partner who never fail to catch a bad flick together
I miss my msn buddy who is on the top of my list
I miss my other half who is probably...not missing me
and i miss all the sillyness, the sweetness, the bitterness, the sourness, the happiness, the anger, the tears and the fatigue of ours.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:34:00 am
Saturday, October 25
Last Sunday, Adeline and i went shopping and we both went crazy.
I love this girl! We have quite a bit of things in common and its so easy to talk to her about anything and everything! So glad to have known her !!

So..the crazy us, ran to 3 different LV boutiques to get this newly launched bag that is already sold out! We couldnt wait till the new stocks arrive was such a sudden decision for me. But please, you gotta agree that it is really super chio !

Some pictures from my hp..looks so grainy when uploaded to the computer. Dont like :(

I enjoyed how my week was spent, until the weekends came. I have this love-hate relationship towards the weekends and today, i exceptionally hate it.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 6:11:00 pm
Saturday, October 18
> yayyyyy
My mummy's latest possession, which is a good news for me because i can use it, for free!!
We wanted to get the Tivoli, but it was sold out in Paris we made do with the Palermo.

I wanna get the Chanel classic double-C next, but everyone is telling me that it is not a good investment. They think getting a Rolex is much better choice cos you can do a resale for a pretty good price. Im not so much of a watch person yet, cant seem to get enough of bags!
I got myself a new phone too - the HTC Touch Diamond

Dont really know how to fully utilise its function yet, and not gotten used to the touch screen (fat fingers maybe) but im loving it more and more as the days goes by.
Gonna go watch GGS2E6, does anyone know where to get E7? I thought it should be out already !!
sealed-with-a-kiss < 5:31:00 pm
Wednesday, October 15
> I really hate the guessing game
Its so...annoying when everytime i thought i fixed my feelings right and things would be going a little smoother only to realise its another deception point i laid on myself.
Am i such a bad liar that i can never lie to anyone else but am so good lying to myself?
Argh, dont wanna think abt it anymore
Meeting Royston for lunch now..hopefully in time for work
sealed-with-a-kiss < 1:42:00 pm
Sunday, October 12
> what a week..
The past week had been...wooaahh
My emotions took another rollercoaster ride, this time with more turns and steeper slopes but im glad its over. Challenges doesnt take forever, for the only constant is change.
I think im learning slowly, and taking it with more guts and open arms. Breathing never felt so calm and easy. Im glad i sort it out, thought it over and am embracing it with a more matured mindset. Dont wanna be a spoilt brat no more, thinking that i could have everything i ever wanted. This is the real world we're living in. Greed, dishonesty, selfishness and scams - face it, this is life.
And no, im not making it sound emo again. It lightens me up pretty much to put things away from my crazy mind, and to live my days with a smile on my face.
As long as you're happy, i'm happy, we're all good. And i dont wanna spoil the good moments by thinking negatively and thinking too much, too far.
Note to self: Gotta be more generous and be more selfless. Giving is a trait, no?
I figured that things would turn out better if i stop giving myself so much pressure. So nope, no more pressurizing, be it to you or to me. I'm sure one day, just one day, things would work out right. feels so good when you get em back together again.
Then again, im quite depressed by something i just got to know. How temptations caused people to change, to break their vows of "i would never.." Sad isnt it? Then again, this is life, this is the wonders of growing up. Face it - you have no other options.
And to someone who i recently started to care about, hang on there..pick up those fragments of life you've shattered. You've been a great help to me during my dark moments, you showed me the light - my light. Im sorry i couldnt show you yours, maybe not yet but i'll keep trying until you pick yourself up and feel like me. My distractions, you dont have to fight it all alone, cos you've got me..a shoulder to cry on, a ear to hear your woes, a smile to make your day. You'll be fine, trust me. We're both taurus, and taurians dont die so easily. Be the big man i know, be the big man again and im sure you know who you are.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 4:52:00 am
Sunday, October 5
I woke up at 10+am today and stoned all the way till now...
Tell me, what am i waiting for? What am i hoping for? What am i looking forward to?
I say...nothing, but disappointments.
Then again, i have no rights to feel the way im feeling.
So fuck it, and move on, like how i always do.
Maybe its time to go back to sleep..this time i wish i never wake up.
sealed-with-a-kiss < 3:31:00 pm